
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly #2

 Referring to my sketches of course, not the models: They're full of mistakes--but hey, they are what they are!!

9 x 6 life study- 30 min. This was an interesting little study. It's sorta free form, that is, I did no pre-drawing and really just turned off my brain. I remember feeling relaxed when I walked into the open drawing session. I really had no expectations whatsoever. No pressure is always a good thing!

10 x 8 life sketch- 1 1/2hr. I wanted to experiment with atmosphere with this little study. I used a palette knife to keep pulling the paint layers down. I would then repaint certain areas. This is a more indirect approach to painting. Many times you have to go backwards before you can go forward.

16 x 12 (sketch from photo reference) 1 1/2hrs. I did this little study on a day where I scraped off the painting I was working on for one of my galleries. And instead of leaving the studio in shame, I decided to pull out an old photo and play around.  I was quite pleased how this one came out.

Great patience is called for on the hard path that I have entered on. 
-Edgar Degas